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Tuesday 25 August 2020

Pi Network- the first cryptocurrency you can mine with your phone for free



Pi is a digital currency and also has an app that allows you to access and grow your Pi holdings and serves as a wallet to host your digital assets. 

A lot of crypto analysts around the world have predicted that Pi coin is going to worth a lot of money in the future .I would definitely suggest you to mine PI coin as any smart phone owner can mine bitcoin. Mining bitcoin would effect your batter life. Bitcoin price in 2009 was $0.003 and once it was worth $19,783. So I hope you understand the future of this coin.

How good is it? 

Well, we don’t know because it isn’t on the market yet, it’s still in beta phase. But, it’s free, doesn’t cost you anything to try. Maybe it won’t be worth something in the future and maybe it will, you never know, the same was for bitcoin, people didn’t know what to expect, and now you can see for yourself where bitcoin is right now

What is the expected value going to be? 

It really can’t be determined just like that, it depends on a lot of factors like demand and supply, news influence is one of the main factors, etc. First, it needs to hit the market and then we can talk about what the expected value is going to be.

Here is a little intro about it, I will try to explain what it is.

PI coin is a cryptocurrency you can mine on your phone and it is profitable because it doesn't use your battery or RAM. It was designed by a group of Stanford PhD graduates and it can definitely become something big because it realies on its community, that is, the users and their joint engagement. PI is mined through proof of consensus, which is basically where your phone communicates with a bunch of nodes and nodes collectively decide on what the solution to the next block is (whereas with BTC it's more where the solution is already set, and whoever gets the solution first gets the reward).

The app doesn't drain your battery or uses RAM because it doesn't rely on proof of work, instead on proof of consensus, how much reliable users you have in your secure circles, the more your mining rate is and more coins you get.

The real question is how do you mine? 

You have to open the app and click on one button every 24h so that you prove that you are credible contributor to the network and that's how you mine. It doesn't need to run in background, so you can close the app at any time and open it after 24h to click the button again and it will still mine, ie give you coins.

Step 1: https://minepicom/ Go to this link and click on Download, to download the Pi Network App.

Step 2: Register using Facebook or Mobile number and set your password.

Step 3: It is an invite only join to the network. So use the invite code: kelenino

Step 4: Click on the mine icon on the right everyday, to continue mining. Invite more people to increase your mining rate.


Wednesday 13 May 2020

20 daily bad habits you need to quit right away

We all have a lot of 

bad habits

, such as gorging on pizzas and cupcakes for late night cravings, sleeping less than six hours a day, not exercising and so on and so forth. These habits can impact your health in a very bad way not just in a short term but from a long term perspective as well! 

There are many habits that we know are bad for us, while there are many which we do not even know are bad but they are evil for our bodies. Here, we have listed 20 such habits that are wreaking havoc on our health. You need to stop following them immediately and make your life more positive, healthier and happier.


A nervous tic that a lot of people have, biting your fingernails doesn’t just convey a sense of anxiety and insecurity—it’s also pretty gross. We carry a lot of bacteria underneath the fingertips.Your fingertips touch a lot of different things, so don’t welcome all that bacteria into your mouth, which could lead to gastrointestinal problems or sickness.


Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death globally.

In just the United States alone, about 500,000 deaths are attributed to smoking-related diseases annually. A recent study estimated that as much as one-third of China’s male population will have significantly shortened life-spans due to smoking! Gender-wise, male and female smokers lose an average of 13.2 and 14.5 years of life respectively — that’s over a decade of life right there.

Not only that, smoking causes pre-mature skin aging (i.e. wrinkles), yellowing of teeth, bad breath, and worse of all — jeopardy of the health of people around you, including your loved ones. Studies have shown that non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke are at risk to many of the health problems associated with direct smoking.

Eating when you’re not hungry.

We’ve all done it, and sometimes we don’t even realize when it’s happening. Maybe you graze when you’re bored, or reach your hand into the office candy jar each time you pass by. Perhaps when you’re feeling sluggish in the afternoon, you head to the vending machine for a pick-me-up. All of these are opportunities to eat for reasons other than hunger.

Turning to food for whatever reason won’t resolve the underlying issue at hand. Try tracking your eating habits with th Loose it or My fitness apps and note your emotional state when you in head for those mid-morning, afternoon or late-night snacks. 

Sitting for too long

Sitting for long periods of time has been linked to a number of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer, abnormal cholesterol levels, etc. Also, research has linked prolonged sitting with excess body fat around the waist.

A 2015 study showed that women who sat for more than 6 hours a day had a higher risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer and multiple myeloma - a form of blood cancer - compared to women who sat less than 3 hours a day.

Even if you have a desk job, try to get up from your sit and take regular small breaks to reverse the habit.

Using your cell phone or tablet in bed.

Using your phone in bed has a negative effect on both the hours you are sleeping and the quality of sleep you’re getting. A study published by Harvard Medical School professor Dr. Charles A. Czeisler, M.D., Ph.D., revealed how the artificial blue light emitted from electronic devices like cell phones, smartphones and tablets activates arousing neurons within the brain, preventing us from feeling sleepy.This blue light plays an important role in your mood, energy level and sleep quality. In the morning, sunlight contains high concentrations of this blue light. When your eyes are exposed to it directly, the blue light halts production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and makes you feel more alert. In the afternoon, the sun’s rays lose their blue light, which allows your body to produce melatonin and start making you sleepy. By the evening, your brain isn’t prepared for any blue light exposure and is very sensitive to it.

The best thing you can do is to avoid these devices after dinner. Try engaging in conversation instead.

Skipping sleep

Just as electronics in bed is a no-no, so is skipping sleep. In fact, losing sleep has a negative impact on your entire body. Lack of sleep can trigger the release of the stress hormone cortisol. It can also prevent our brains from getting the rest and repair they need and can disrupt other systems in our body.

Instead of skipping sleep, plan for seven to nine hours of sleep. For most of us, that means we will have to pick a bedtime based on the time we need to get up. For example, if you need to get up at 6 a.m., and you want to get eight hours of sleep, you will need to be asleep by 10 p.m. Not on your way to bed, actually asleep. Plan your bedtime and give yourself time to wind down.

Not Taking Proper and Regular Bath

Unhealthy body leads to an Unhealthy Mind. this bad habit of not taking proper and regular baths not only makes the body stinky but at the same time causes many diseases.

Nose picking

This is something everyone does and never thinks that it can harm anyone in a bad way. Satirised as ‘gold digging’, the habit of picking our nose is very unhealthy and can even land you in the hospital. When you touch various things, which may contain bacteria and viruses and then take the same finger in your nose, you make your body more prone to infections. If you pick your nose frequently, you are more prone to colds and flus as many viruses reach your body through the mucus. So, you must stop picking your nose right now. On a similar note, you should also not try to fetch the leftovers of foods in your mouth from your hand.

Holding in farts

It’s not you—blame society for this one. Holding in your farts for long periods of time is definitely bad for you, as you might suspect from how awful it feels to do it. Research has shown that holding them back can cause severe bloating and stomach discomfort. So let ‘em rip, or if you’re at work, release it and try to keep it quiet, while of course, staying as far from your boss’ airspace as possible.

Binge drinking

Despite knowing the fact that consuming alcohol in excess is bad, many people can't just give up the habit of binge drinking. Several harmful and long-lasting side effects of binge drinking include liver disease, stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon.

Alcohol also slows down the fat-burning process. So, if you're trying to lose weight, giving in to heavy drinking, even once in a while, can hinder fat loss.

Skipping meals

Lucky for me, I never even consider skipping a meal. In fact, I look forward to them! But if you tend to skip meals in the hopes that you'll lose weight, you should know that doing so may have a negative impact on your health

Enright explained that eating regularly keeps your energy levels and metabolism where they need to be. While many women who are trying to lose weight think cutting calories and skipping meals is the way to go, Enright said this can actually result in a slower metabolism and even weight gain. Not to mention you'll probably feel "more tired, sluggish, and irritable" when you don't eat enough

Not Taking Regular Exercise

Improper and irregular exercise creates many problems for a person and leads to many unwanted diseases, one of the main problems seen due to irregular exercise is obesity

Wearing earphones for many hours

Be it while ravelling, working out, working or studying, many of us have a habit of incessantly plugging in the earphones for multiple hours. This habit is really bad as it can spell hearing loss in the long run. Make sure that you do not spend hours with earphones plugged and keep the volume to an audible enough and not loud as that is the main culprit.

Holding in sneezes

Ever held in a sneeze out of politeness, trying to stay quiet? Well, it turns out that’s a pretty bad idea. “Our sneezes move at up to 100 miles per hour, so holding it in, in extreme cases, can cause fractures in nasal cartilage, nose bleeds or even detached retinas,” White says. “So, that’s something you really want to let out.” Next time you feel one coming on at a less-than-perfect moment, just do your best to muffle it in your elbow.

Doggie kisses and licks

If you are a person who really enjoys when you dog leaps up and showers you all over with doggie kisses and licks, you better read this first. The hasty smooches from the dog can lead to severe bacterial infection. A similar incident happened when a 70-year-old woman had been treated with a life-threatening infection she got from her dog. The woman was found to be infected with Capnocytophaga canimorsus - a bacteria found in the mouths of dogs and cats - after Italian greyhound licked her. Her case was outlined in the medical journal BMJ Case Reports in 2016.

Washing your hands too quickly

You probably know you need to wash your hands frequently to ward off infection and disease, but how much time do you spend washing your hands each time you do it? If it's less than 15 seconds, chances are, you're not actually getting rid of germs.

The Centers for Disease Control says that when washing our hands the goal is to do so for 20 seconds to remove the majority of germs. I recommend aiming for 20 seconds of good hand washing with soap and water

Spending less time washing your hands puts you at risk for contracting viruses and bacteria that lead to illness. If you're already taking time to wash your hands you might as well do it right. Instead of rushing through it, take your time to wash completely and thoroughly.

Making Sound with the mouth while eating 

This is the also very popular bad habit seen one should always take a small bite and eat the food gently with no sound of their mouth and cutlery

Sleeping with your makeup on

A lot of times women reach back home tired and all ready to hit the bed. Many do this without removing their makeup. This habit is hazardous to the skin as it can lead to clogged pores, spots and congested skin. Not removing eye makeup is worse because eyes are more sensitive and strong products can even cause vision loss if they are let to stay.

Constantly staring at a screen all day

If your eyes hurt at the end of a long day of work, you’re not alone. Several studies have found that the human eye, for some reason, feels compelled to stare at screens for far longer periods of time than other things, like books or the outside world, hence the often dry, tired feeling you get in your eyes after long periods of time on the computer. To avoid a case of computer vision syndrome (a rare, harsh result of long hours at the computer), or at least to avoid having some particularly fatigued eyes, be sure to keep the screen at a distance and shift your focus every so often.

Poor Posture

 lack of irregular exercise, meditation and yoga destroys our physical and mental structure and results in poor posture.

Excessive contact lens wearing

For those with contact lenses—not the extended wear users—giving your eyes frequent breaks is imperative. Aside from helping you see things, of course, contact lenses block the tissue of your eye from receiving oxygen, which explains why it’s tough to keep them in for a particularly long day, and also why your eyes feel awful after a night of sleeping with them left in by accident. Overuse can cause damage to the corneas, so use your lenses sparingly.


So here you find the 20 most common bad habits and their consequences on your mind and body. The good news is that you can quit them all.

Just spot out your own bad habits and take my suggestions to quit them. Then you’ll find your life a lot healthier and happier!


Wednesday 6 May 2020

10 creative handwork to learn during this lock down

Handwork is one of the most reliable means of income in today’s world economy. If you have any quality service you can render to people, you are sure to be making regular income, all year round, uninterrupted, as long as your service is good.

Why learn handwork?

One of the needs for having a skill is great, be it handwork or other types of skills, is that whereas many jobs will fail, skills hardly fail you.

Also, when you have a skill it becomes easier for you to venture into a business because you have something of value to offer. If you have nothing to offer, don’t expect money or any form of payment in return.

List of Profitable Hand Works 

  • Fashion

Fashion Design is one of the best handworks to learn. This handwork has been around for a long time and it is so amazing how people keep evolving around it, with different people adding their own unique twist to the trade.

Fashion design happens to be very wide with diverse types of creativity, so it would be advisable to learn it step by step, to give the best knowledge of qualities people are lookiinkng for.

Some people make thousands of  money monthly just by designing a style that appeals to their customers’ satisfaction

  • Graphic Design 

Graphic design has suddenly become the new wave in our world today. As a matter of fact, almost every industry is in need of a graphic designer.

From wedding cards, banners, business cards to web design, mobile app design and more, the services of a graphic designer go on and on.

However, you can always find time to learn graphic designing if you're interested in it and start making some cool cash for yourself.

  • Phone Repair 

Nearly 100million people have GSM phone and these phones need constant servicing. To learn phone repair, you need about two months or less. People in the trade confirmed that the work isn’t that difficult. That one can learn it even using phone manuals. You are guaranteed of plenty customers on daily basis if you’re good at your work.

  • Photography

Photography is among the most popular handwork today. If you are talented with aesthetics and can present things more beautiful than they actually look, then this can be even easier for you. Apart from attending to your customers, you can also sell your stock photos online!

  • Hair Dressing and Makeup

Hair Dressers and Makeup artists are now making a huge amount of money each day. Making it easier for women to be admiring at all time, is the easiest way you can make your own money, whether you are a man or woman, all it takes is your passion. If you love it as a job all you have to do is learn for some months and have a company of yours in the nearest future.

  • Hair Barbing

This is an industry that really works out very well because 95% of people will cut their hair in at least the end of every two weeks. Learning how to Barb hair will only take a month if only you are diligent and consistent in your work

  • Manufacturing skills

It is a well-known fact that a lot of people that acquire vocational skills in the manufacturing trade are often hired to pass on the knowledge to another set of people or to work in manufacturing agencies.

On the other hand, some of them have moved on to manufacture their own products for sale.Examples of such Products include liquid soaps, bar soaps, ointments, balm, and detergents.

  • House Painting

Houses are springing up all over Nigeria on daily basis, that’s the sign of level of prosperity in our father’s land. These houses are to be painted, and to learn house painting work will take you approximately two weeks.

House painting work is a combination of art and creativity — if you’re a creative person, you will surely do well in this work. Get in touch with a good house painter now and begin to learn this. House painters charge between N100,000 to Millions of Naira to finish a whole house depending on the extent you want the painting done and how big the house is.

  • Website Design

This one is my personal favorite because I am a web developer. Web is too large, so also is web design and the technologies behind it. But you don’t need to become a guru in web design before you start making money from it.

You can pick some specific areas and master itinstead of trying to be jack of all trade master of none. Just start with HTML and CSS, move up to JavaScript and you can chart your dream career from there.

  • Laptop Repair

Similar to phone repair, learning to repair laptops and other types of computers is another lucrative handwork to learn in Nigeria and the interesting thing is that laptops are becoming very common these days, especially among the youths and the working class in Nigeria. Also, some higher institutions in Nigeria now recommend that their new students buy laptops. A laptop is a common gadget and there are lots of them that need repairs.

What’s your take on this? We believe this article was helpful, if yes, don’t hesitate to share this information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Google plus.


Monday 27 April 2020

Set up your home: Top things to buy for a new home checklist

Now that you bought a new house, you’re probably wondering:

What stuff do I need to buy to get started?

What are the things I need to buy right now?

What can I buy later?

To make the process of moving in and getting set up much less stressful, I put together this comprehensive list of all the things you need to buy for a new house.


Imagine you are having your first party. Everyone thinks your new home is fantastic until you go to open a bottle of wine – and discover you don’t own a bottle opener!

Don’t worry – with this kitchen inventory you will have every thing you need for every occasion in the kitchen.
  • Basic Furniture
  • Kitchen table
  • Chairs
  • Rubbish bin
  • Kettle
  • Toaster
  • Microwave
  • Blender
  • Set of knives
  • Bottle opener 
  • Measuring jug
  • Mixing bowls
  • Oven gloves and tea towels
  • A selection of pots and pans including a frying pan, a small pot and a colander
  • Wooden spoon

Living room essentials

When you’re considering what things to buy for a new house or apartment, you shouldn’t overlook your living room. Whilst throws and pillows may not seem immediately vital, you will soon miss the comfort they bring to your family and guests. These are the living room essentials you should buy:
  • Rug
  • Pillows
  • Lamps
  • Bookcases/shelving
  • TV stand
  • Sound bar
  • Streaming devices for your TV
  • A couch
  • A coffee table
  • Bookshelves
  • Curtains, including curtain rod and curtains
  • CD/DVD storage

Bedroom Essentials

  • Bed
  • Mattress
  • Dressers/wardrobes
  • Bedside tables
  • Mirror
  • Area rug
  • Bed frame
  • Pillows
  • Mattress pad
  • Full length mirror
  • Night stand
  • Lamp
  • Curtains

Closet Essentials

  • Hangers
  • Door hooks
  • Hanging closet rod 
  • Shoe rack
  • Hanging shelves


  • Shower Curtain
  • Bath Rug
  • Bath/Hand Towels
  • Tub Mat
  • Toilet Brush/Holder
  • Toilet Seat
  • Toothbrush Holder
  • Soap Dish
  • Towel Bars/Racks
  • Air Fresheners
  • Toiletries
  • Mirror 


  • Cleaning Products
  • Hand Soap
  • Sponges/Gloves
  • Dust Pan/Mop/Broom
  • Room Fresheners
  • Trash Can/Trash Bag
  • Step Stool
  • Vacuum

Home Decor

  • Toss Pillows
  • Slipcovers
  • Picture Frames
  • Wall Art
  • Area Rug/Door Mats
  • Lighting/Lamps
  • Shelving
  • Furniture/Bookcases
  • Wall Hanging Kits
You won’t need everything right away, so my advice is to start with this checklist of essentials and prioritize each item into buckets: first week, first month, first three months.

Prioritizing the list will help you focus on what is most important and will take the pressure off of thinking you need everything right away. 
Please let us know what we items we forgot.

Sunday 26 April 2020

How to trade and generate profit with IQ option

IQ Option are a leading online broker offering binary options, CFDs, cryptocurrency and forex trading. Our detailed review includes a full run down of the trading platform, review of the mobile app, plus info on how to use the demo account effectively and tips on strategy and options. Join millions of other traders and login today.

If you are new to the scene, there is no need to panic; they're here to not only guide you through the site but also educate each user so that they have all the relevant information to help them make an informed decision about each trade.
Currently, IQ Option offers its traders the highest trading payout amongst the leading binary options firms. While there are an array of special trading features that place them at the top of their game.In order to understand how binary Options work, and how you can trade it First, you must create an account in the IQ Option. It is simple and free. Then choose the products you want to trade. Ideally, use one of the courses out there to stay prepared. Practice first in the demo account. Is IQ Option reliable? Yes, it is a regulated company with millions of customers around the world. It is the main online trading platform, with more clients' growth and more international prizes.

How to use the IQ option platform 
It's easy to get started 

Sign up
Create an account for free using your email address. 

Download app
Install the applcation and log into your account

Explore the platform
See what it’s like to invest without putting your money at risk

Invest & earn profit
Select an asset and make your money work for you

Monday 20 April 2020

10 beautiful Countries to visit and explore

Today i decided 
 present you with a list of top 10 most beautiful cities in the world to visit after the coronavirus pandemic. Each of them unique. Some, known for its architecture, others – unusually beautiful nature, and others – culture and incomparable with anything atmosphere. There are countless airlines options and great deals to get to all these fly to all of these destinations. If you’ve never been in any of the cities presented in the list, you are probably reading this article, you will learn a lot of interesting information about them, and if you are already familiar with at least one of these wonderful cities, you will be able to share experiences from his travel, with other users.

1. Paris, France.

France’s capital has been long considered the paragon of style and the most glamorous city in Europe – and we can’t disagree with your choice to put Paris near the top of this poll. We love its elegant streets and boulevards, the lofty Eiffel Tower and the huge range of incredible art and architecture found throughout the city.

2. Venice, Italy 

Among those who've seen it in person, the conclusion is unanimous: Venice is the most beautiful city in the world, and the only one that can truly be described as unique. Each building is a work of art, with their beauty enhanced when reflected on the canals that cross the city. Its magical scenery is fascinating and breathtaking at first sight, evoking the feeling of entering the setting of a real-life fairy tale. It's perhaps even unfair to all other cities to call Venice a city, as it is a place unlike any other, that no other can compare to, or ever be like

3. London, England.

 London’s main sights might date back millennia, but the capital’s shops, bars, hotels, and restaurants emerge and evolve on an almost weekly basis. Whether you’re outdoorsy, hungry, or bringing a family in tow, there’s a distinct London neighborhood to investigate—and it will likely look different from your last visit. 

4. New York, USA.

New York City offers an endless variety of historical, cultural, and natural wonders, from the Statue of Liberty to Central Park to the legendary Broadway theater district.

5. Florence, Italy.

The cathedral dome that dominates the city’s skyline is just one of the many attractions that make Florence one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The river Arno that cuts through the heart of the city, the Piazza della Signoria and the gorgeous church of San Miniato al Monte are all among Florence’s highlights.

6.Cape Town, South Africa.

Mountains, coastlines, beaches filled with penguins: Cape Town pretty much has it all. Each day in the Mother City will make you fall in love with some new sight, be it the king protea-filled Kirstenbosch National Botanic Gardens or the rainbow-bright row houses of Bo-Kaap. In fact, you can start sightseeing before your plane even lands: That first glimpse of Table Mountain from the sky will never leave your memory

7.Sydney, Australia.

Sydney has more than 100 awesome beachesHome to the architectural marvel – the Sydney Opera House. It’s a world heritage site and hosts more than 1500 performances a year.With hundreds of kilometers of shoreline and iconic buildings, the Sydney Harbour is perhaps the most amazing harbor in the world.One of the best cities to watch spectacular New Year Eve firework display.On one side Sydney has man made wonders like Opera House. On another side, it’s a magical world of nature with dramatic mountains, gorgeous beaches, spectacular gardens and National Parks.

8.Rome, Italy

At number one you voted Rome as the most beautiful city in the world. With its thousand-year-old buildings, beautiful piazzas and world-class art – not to mention Vatican City – we’re certainly not surprised. Rome, after all, is the capital of the so-called bel paese, or “beautiful country”. Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona is a city that is equally lovely during the day to explore its beaches and Gaudí’s iconic architectural landmarks. Just be sure to make reservations in advance, especially for Barcelona’s biggest attractions.

9. Bruges, Belgium.

Bruges is located in the northwest part of Belgium, and is the biggest city in the province of West Flanders, and is also the center of this country. Bruges is sometimes called the “Venice of the North” and at one time it was a major trading city in the world.The city has a museum, has interesting exhibits. Also, there are theaters, art galleries, theaters and concert halls regularly hosts music and food festivals. Bruges – it’s an amazing place to visit people who love and appreciate art and culture.

  • 10. PRAGUE.

  • It is known as the city of the thousand spires because of its profusion of grand, beautifully-preserved historical monuments dating from practically every period in history. Those spires are best admired from the bridges that cross the Vltava River, especially from the magnificent Charles Bridge, or standing in the stunningly beautiful Old Town Square. Add the atmospheric alleyways and cobbled streets that lead to it, and you know that few other cities delight the senses as much as Prague


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Pi Network- the first cryptocurrency you can mine with your phone for free

  Description Pi is a digital currency and also has an app that allows you to access and grow your Pi holdings and serves as a wallet to hos...